What is the role of the Director of Multicultural Student Initiatives?
  • Listen, respond, and represent the interests and needs of multicultural students.
  • Respond to needs from students of underrepresented populations with mentoring, support and referrals
  • Assist with race related conflict management and crises
  • Provide guidance and leadership training to minority student leaders
  • Promote multicultural education opportunities and programs for the university community.
Who do I contact if I have a question about Multicultural Student Resources?

Contact the Office of Multicultural Student Initiatives, located in Walton 218, or contact Theresa Noye, Director of Multicultural Student Initiatives at 610-341-5872 or tnoye@eastern.edu.

Who should I contact if I need to talk about or report a racial or ethnic incident?

Theresa Noye, Director of Multicultural Student Initiatives at 610-341-5872 or tnoye@eastern.edu. The Office of Multicultural Student Initiatives is located in Walton 218. Racial incidents may also be reported to campus security at 610-341-1737.