Jeffrey Dill

Affiliate Professor of Sociology

Fowler 308

Jeffrey Dill is Affiliate Professor of Sociology and Liberal Studies in the Templeton Honors College at Eastern University. He is also the Donchian Research Fellow for Character and Culture at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. He received his B.A. in English from Wheaton College and his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Virginia, where he was a Bradley Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture. His research focuses on questions of pluralism and difference in educational systems, moral and citizenship education, and socialization processes in schools.  He is author of The Longing and Limits of Global Citizenship Education: the moral pedagogy of schooling in a cosmopolitan age.  His work has been published in Social Forces, the Journal of Moral EducationSociety, and The Huffington Post.  He is currently researching the culture of homeschooling and its effects on moral and civic education.  Dr. Dill is married to Heather, and they have four sons.

  • Ph.D., University of Virginia: Sociology
  • M.A., Biblical Theological Seminary: New Testament Studies
  • B.A., Wheaton College: English
Templeton Courses

HON 310  Modernity and the Good Society (3 credits)
The purpose of this course is to provide students with background and understanding of distinctly modern theories of society with a particular focus from the nineteenth century to the present.  The course will explore the evolution and development of “modernity” less as an idea or epoch and more as a set of institutional transformations and practices.  In the last two hundred years, changes in our understanding of the major spheres of human activity—political, economic, cultural, and religious—have revolutionized how human beings experience the world and their place in it. Our main framework of inquiry will be the empirical and theoretical methods of classical sociology, which take a macro-historical approach to making sense of modern times (College-specific indicator addressed: Knowledgeable about the Social Sciences)

HON 480  Honors Capstone (2 credits)
The Honors College core curriculum has been designed to nurture in students the cultivation of a rich, integrative, and coherent worldview—a worldview devoid of the common artificial divisions between academic pursuits, spiritual formation, cultural appreciation, and community life. The Honors Capstone is designed to revisit and, in some cases, recover the richness and coherence of an integrative humanistic, Christian worldview. Of particular importance for fourth-year students preparing for graduation, the course is posed as an opportunity for reflection and preparation for their vocational future. (GE indicator addressed: Formed in Christian Thought)

Publications: Books & Chapters



Publications: Articles & Essays

Articles & Essays

Online Articles