Eagle's Essentials, which began as one food supply center in 2019, has expanded to 6 locations in various residence halls around campus.

The Mission of Eagle's Essentials is to provide resources to alleviate food insecurity, improve long-term health and eating habits, ensure allergies are seen & addressed, and promote sustainability on campus.

What We Offer

  • Shelf staples (Oatmeal, Granola Bars, Rice, Mac-n-cheese, Soup, etc.)
  • Hygiene products (Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Shampoo, Conditioner Soap, Feminine products, etc.)
  • Frozen meals at ALL locations

Locations & Hours

  • Walton (across from Zime): M-F 10-12am, Sat-Sun 1-3pm
  • Kea Lobby: MWF 6-9pm, Sat-Sun 7-9pm
  • Doane C Lobby: MWF 6-9pm, Sat-Sun 7-9pm
  • Gough Kitchen: T,Th 6-9pm, Sat-Sun 7-9pm
  • Eagle 3rd Floor Lobby: T,Th 6-9pm, Sat-Sun 7-9pm
  • Sparrowk 3rd Floor Lobby: MWF 6-9pm, Sat-Sun 7-9pm

Support Eagle's Essentials

PA Hunger-Free Campus & Swipe Out Hunger

Proud Partner Campus of PA Hunger-Free Campus Initiative & Swipe Out Hunger! Grants received in support of Eagle's Essentials as of July 2024.