Why Study History at Eastern University?
A better question might be, "Why wouldn't I study history at Eastern University?" The discipline of History serves as a platform in the cultivation of Christian humanists in pursuit of what is good, beautiful, and true. The History faculty at Eastern provide a lively classroom atmosphere through lectures, discussions, and analysis of images, film, and primary source documents. Here are some of the subjects our students find most interesting:
- European Intellectual History
- The Civil War and Reconstruction
- The Byzantine Empire
- The World since World War II
- Medieval History
- Reformation History
- Renaissance History
Mission Statement
The History Department of Eastern University provides a broad education in the discipline of History and historical interpretations for undergraduate students, with special attention given to ways in which Christian perspectives can illuminate the interpretation of the past. We seek to enable students to develop and articulate their historical understanding through reading, critical analysis, research and writing--a formation that prepares them for teaching in secondary schools, further studies in graduate or professional schools, and entrance into jobs in a variety of fields. Above all, the history department desires to help students use their knowledge and skills to integrate the Christian Faith with History so that they may function as informed and productive Christians in a free society.
Contact the History Department
Are you a prospective student? Our history professors would love to chat with you and answer your questions. Email us!