MEd in School Health Services with the School Nurse certification track requires the following course work. Regardless of the chosen area of concentration, all students in this degree program take the following four core courses plus two electives, as shown, for a total of 18 credits. Elective credits must be graduate level education courses.
- EDUC 635 Research Design
- HSCI 560 Community and Environment Health
- HSCI 601 World Health Issues
- HSCI 515 Curriculum and Health Education in Diverse Populations
- Two EDUC Graduate Electives
School Nurse Certification Concentration:
- NURS 566 Foundations of Education
- NURS 508 Legal Mandated Responsibilities of the School Nurse
- NURS 509 School Nurse and the Exceptional Child
- NURS 530 School Nurse Clinical Practicum
School Health Supervisor Concentration:
- EDUC 607 Supervision of Instruction
- EDUC 624 School Law
- NURS 614 Practicum for Supervisors
- NURS 608 Seminar for Supervisors
Students who choose either concentration take an additional four courses (12 credits for a total of 30). School Health Supervisors must pass the Educational Leadership Praxis exam.
(Educational Leadership [0411] Praxis exam is required for supervisor certification)