Yolanda Turner has taught at Eastern since 1996 and was recently bestowed the title of professor emeritus upon her retirement. In addition, Dr. Turner worked for 30 years as a therapist and partner at Center Counseling Associates, seeing individuals, couples, and specializing in online relationships, emerging adulthood, marriage, and divorce counseling. Dr. Turner received the William R. Stayton Award for Applied Leadership in Human Sexuality and the Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award. She is a member of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Her work focuses on the intersection of faith and sexuality.
Ph.D., Human Sexuality, Widener University
M.A., Creative Arts Therapy, Drexel University
B.A., Religion, Bates College
- Greenwood, T. Turner, Y., & Jennings, I. (2021). The mediating role of self-compassion on self-esteem and body satisfaction in females who participate in physique competitions. Body Studies Journal, 3 (1).
- Turner, Y. & Stayton, W. (2014). The 21st century challenges to sexuality and religion. Journal of Health and Religion, 21, n.p. doi: 10.1007/s1.
- Dyson, D. & Turner, Y. (2011). Faith boxes: A training activity for educators and human service professionals. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 6, 114-121. doi:10.1080/15546128.2011.547383
- Turner,Y. & Clark-Schock, K. (1990). Dynamic corporate training for women: A creative arts therapies approach. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 17, 217-222.
- Clark-Schock, K., Turner, Y., & Bovee, T. (1988). A multidisciplinary assessment: The introductory group. The Arts in Psychotherapy, l5, 79-82.
- Turner,Y. (1988). Make the most of your leadership style. American Fitness, 6, 2.
Counseling, human sexuality, and abnormal psychology