Justice Talks
The Campolo Institute for Applied Research in Social Justice hosted the Eastern University community, students, staff, faculty, alumni, administrators, and friends for three Justice Talks. Modeled after TED Talks, this event was designed to engage the Eastern community in deliberations about important social justice issues, theories, and practices as presented by our own faculty.
The schedule included talks by:
- Dr. Tyler Flynn - Is Social Justice Possible Today? Reflections on the Progressive Era
- Dr. Drick Boyd: Spirituality for Social Justice: Hints from the Writings of Paulo Freire
- Dr. Kathy-Ann Hernandez: Social Justice as Being
Social Justice Day
The Campolo Institute sponsored Social Justice Day on Friday, September 22, 2017. The day-long event featured Rev. Dr. Tony Campolo speaking at Windows on the World, a Social Justice Fair featuring student and community social justice organizations, a luncheon and discussion with Dr. Campolo, a prayer service led by Watchmen Prayer Group, a roundtable discussion, among administrators, students, staff and faculty, addressing EU's social justice legacy and futures, as well as a coffee house with performances addressing social justice themes.
Youth Justice Awareness Month
The Campolo Institute co-sponsored, with the Center for Urban Youth Development, Criminal Justice, Political Science, Sociology, and Urban Studies, Youth Justice Awareness Month in both 2017 and 2016. Consistent with the scripture, “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” (Hebrews 13:3), our observances consisted panel discussions, a creative arts cafe and prizes for performances demonstrating awareness of juvenile justice issues and reflection on the theme scripture.
Do Black Lives Really Matter?
The Campolo Institute co-sponsored, with the Multicultural Awareness Advisory Committee, Do Black Lives Really Matter? Who’s Responsible for Black Life? The Black Community? The Police? The turnout was tremendous in volume, diversity and honest discussion.
Be The Change
The Campolo Institute sponsored, in conjunction with several student organizations, the Masters in Urban Studies and Political Science programs as well as the Multicultural Awareness Advisory Committee, Be The Change: Social Justice Organizing Workshop on March 18, 2016. This one-day mini-conference was designed to educate Eastern University community members about critical social justice issues (immigration, LGBTQ rights, environmental justice, mass incarceration and youth justice) along with strategies and tools to organize for social justice.