We offer one on one coaching for students that cover a wide range of important personal finance information. Each session is designed to educate students about different financial skills and tools that can be used to create healthy financial practices in their daily life.

Topics include:

  • Money Management.
  • Student Loan and Repayment Help.
  • Creating and Managing a Budget.
  • Credit and Credit Score.
  • And more...
“When I first went in for coaching I had high goals that I was not sure I could reach.  I was super worried about my increasing debt and loans and owning my own business only makes finances more difficult to manage.  My plan was to work nonstop until I graduate to pay off as much debt as I possibly could, because I felt I would not be able to pay it off after college.  Thankfully, I received help to come up with a plan to pay off my debt, even if I could not manage to pay off ANY of it while I was still in college.  This plan has made me feel at ease, and paying my loans no longer makes me feel behind, but ahead.  He also helped me get a feel of the struggles other college students have, which helped me realize that I am not alone.”

- EU Alum