Residence Hall Photo Gallery

Eagle Hall

Sparrowk Hall

Gallup Hall

Gough Hall

Kea-Guffin Hall

Hainer Hall

Doane Residence Hall (C & D)
Residence Hall Descriptions
Eagle Hall opened in 2007, and is the only building that offers Suite Housing, where residents can share not only a bathroom but also a common area. Eagle Hall has doubles and triples as Basic, Semi-Private, and Suite Housing. Eagle Hall is air conditioned and offers a laundry facility, mailroom, large lounges and multiple study lounges. Eagle Hall is not available for first-year students at Eastern University. View blueprint and room sizes.
Sparrowk Hall opened in January of 2001, and offers its residents a mixture of semi-private doubles and basic triples, and one quad. Sparrowk is fully air-conditioned with a mailroom, laundry facility, spacious lounges, and even a classroom. View blueprint and room sizes.
Gallup is made up of four buildings: A (Gallup House), B (Clemens House), C (Alumni House), and D (Kresge House). All four buildings are air conditioned. Gallup Hall offers an excellent view of campus. It has a TV lounge attached to the laundry facility, as well as a study lounge. Gallup is only Semi-Private Housing with doubles, where each room shares a bathroom with one or two other rooms. Singles in Gallup have their own bathroom. Gallup Hall also offers five student apartments on the first floor of B, C, and D. View blueprint and room sizes.
Gough Hall is nestled in between Hainer Hall and Guffin Hall, and offers great views of the campus. This building offers both Basic and Semi-Private Housing with singles, doubles, and triples. Gough Hall is air-conditioned and offers a mailroom, laundry facility, kitchen, and lounges for residents to share. Gough Hall is also home to the Danny Hearing Indoor Golf Facility. View blueprint and room sizes.
Kea & Guffin Residence Halls: Both offer mainly Basic Housing doubles; Guffin Extended offers some semi-private rooms, and triples and quads are available as well. Both halls are air-conditioned. Commonly referred to as KG, residents enjoy lounges that are great for gathering and The Breezeway Cafe, which includes flat screen TVs. KG also offers laundry facilities and mailroom.
Hainer Hall is the most historic residence halls and is often noted to have close community created by the students that live there. It offers Basic Housing singles, doubles and triples, as well as one student apartment. The building provides air conditioning. View blueprint and room sizes.
Located on a hill near the lake, Doane provides a lovely walk to the center of campus, along with air-conditioned rooms and common spaces for gathering.
View Blueprints:
Room Type Descriptions
Single Rooms: House only one student and one set of University furniture.
This type of room carries a premium charge.
Spaces are limited on the St. David's campus.
Single rooms are not offered to first-year students.
These spaces are first reserved for students with documented disability accommodations though the Disability Office at the Cushing Center for Counseling and Academic Support.
Returning students may be placed on a waitlist for single housing during housing selection. -
Double Rooms: House two students and two sets of University furniture
Triple Rooms: House three students and three sets of University furniture
Quad Rooms: House four students and four sets of University furniture
Housing Options
Charges are based upon the following room types in association with a bathroom, not the number of students living in a room.
- Basic Housing: A room shares a community bathroom (cleaned by University Housekeeping staff) with all other rooms on the floor; typically between 18-30 students.
- Semi-Private Housing: Two to three rooms share a private bathroom (NOT cleaned by University Housekeeping staff); typically 4-8 students share this space
- Suite Housing: Two rooms share a private bathroom (NOT cleaned by University Housekeeping staff), as well as a common room between the two living units; typically 4-6 students share this space
- Single Housing: A single premium fee is added to either the Basic Housing or Semi-Private Housing charge, based upon the location o the single and whether it will share a community or private bathroom
- Apartment Housing: Apartments can house up to 4 students in each bedroom. Apartments include a living room, bathroom, kitchen (with sink & refrigerator), and two bedrooms. University furniture is provided in the bedrooms: desks, chairs, beds, dressers, and closets. A small sofa and table with chairs are provided in the living room space. These apartments are filled by non-traditional adult and graduate students who are approved through the Housing Application Process.
Over-Occupancy Housing
If the resident student population for Eastern University is above the number of spaces we have on campus, students who submit their Housing Deposit late may be placed in an Over-Occupancy Room. These rooms may be intended as doubles but for the time being are placed as triple spaces. These students will be able to move into a traditional size room if one becomes available.
During the first week of school, students in over-occupancy rooms will receive a letter from the Housing Office through their University email account. This letter will ask the student if they would like to be moved to a standard room if one becomes available. If a student does not respond, he or she will forfeit both the opportunity to move AND any credit.
If an offer to move into a standard room is not emailed by mid-September, the student's account will be credited with an "occupancy credit" of $125.00. If an offer to move into a standard size room has not been placed in campus mail by the beginning of October, a second "occupancy credit" of $125.00 will be applied to the student's account.
Please rest assured that the Housing Office will do everything possible to make timely room changes. Residents who choose to stay in an over-occupancy room after being offered a move to a standard room forfeit the occupancy credit. Over-occupancy credit also does not apply if any roommate leaves the room.