NOTE: All incoming freshman will have an opportunity to compile both a portfolio and an efolio which would include their significant contributions to the dance program. The portfolio/efolio is professionally assembled by our dance faculty so that, upon graduation, students have a tangible representation of their career at Eastern University, which can be used for further career advancement.
Teaching Assistant:
Each program may invite superior students to serve as Teaching Assistants for 1, 2, or 3 credits as approved. Priority is given to upper class persons. The student registers using DANC 498 or DANC 499. Up to 6 credits may be earned.
Work study/ ECCE Employment:
Eastern Dance needs experienced students to assist in the daily operations of the program. Jobs include:
- Technical Assistance for Productions
- Administrative Support
- Musical Accompanist
Job descriptions are available through Eastern’s Office of Student Aid
Eastern University Dance Club
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Eastern University Dance Club (EDC) is to assist the dance program with dance productions, by bringing dancers, musicians, and technical support together. The EUDG will also provide technique classes in various dance genres (e.g. ballet, tap, jazz, modern, hip-hop, world) based on student desirability. The group also serves to facilitate student and faculty fundraising for the American College Dance Festival Association.
Membership is open to all interested students. Those who are active members will receive benefits, such as invitations to special events, and voting rights. To be considered a member, a student needs to attend Dance Club events regularly, at least once a month.
Officers: There are four officers in the EDC. They are:
- President – responsible for calling and running meetings and coordinating off-campus activities and events.
- Vice President – responsible for assisting the president in various duties.
- Secretary – responsible for taking notes at meetings and keeping an activities record for the club.
- Treasurer – responsible for managing the funds of the EUDG and for coordinating fundraising.
Eastern Dance Ministry
"Let your roots grow down into Him and draw up nourishment from Him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done." Colossians 2:7
Mission Statement:
The Eastern Dance Ministry (EDM) desires to lead and model the Christian worship experience utilizing dance. Our goal is to encourage our brothers and sisters to enter the presence of God in all its fullness- body, mind, and soul. We are not performing but engaging the community to new levels of transformation through our worship. We endeavor to be available to the Eastern community in addition to pursuing more outreach opportunities. Eastern Dance Ministry was established to bring praise and honor to God with the "single or group dance" (Psalm 149:3; Amplified Bible).
The Eastern Dance Ministry, a student-led organization, was established in 2003. The ministry consists of students from a variety of dance backgrounds who come together to praise God through organized dance worship. As pre-professionals in dance, we use our training and knowledge to lead the Eastern Community in the dance worship experience.
A yearly audition will be held late in the spring semester. An additional audition may be held in the fall semester based on interest. EDM has one to two rehearsals a week during the evening, with at least one additional rehearsal during the week of ministry.
Outreach Opportunities:
EDM dances several times a semester during the Eastern University's chapel service. Other outreach opportunities include, but are not limited to: Conquer the Night, Sunday Night Worship and EU Coffeehouses. EDM also collaborates with other campus ministries as opportunities arise.
EDM utilizes its dance repertoire to which new works are regularly added.
EDM's first priority is to God; the group believes that the essential element to an influential ministry is developing mature spiritual beliefs. We place a high value on technical ability as leaders in the dance worship experience. As a member of EDM, performance skills are required and a high emphasis is placed on the individual member's ability to embody the choreography of EDM's repertoire.
Faculty Advisor: Professor Roger Lee
Dance Repertory
This course provides advanced dancers with rehearsal and performance experience of technical dance works. The participants learn the repertory and perform at least once during the semester. The course is designed for dancers who have had dance training and previous performance experience and who desire to further their expertise in this area.
To participate in Dance Repertory students must pass an audition. Students must also enroll in one technique class or Pilates/Yoga during the semester or provide documentation of enrollment in a dance technique class off-campus. Students may enroll in Dance Repertory for 2 credits, or for pass-no credit, (if they are not majors). Students that enroll for pass-no credit will be held to the same attendance policy.
All Dance Repertory participants will have to help the Technical Director during the lighting hang or technical strike (or both) in any manner requested.