For those who have had formal training, the audition requirements are:

  1. Interview
  2. Two classical pieces, preferably of contrasting style to indicate technical and interpretative development.  For those interested in Percussion see Percussion Requirements
  3. Scales and arpeggios in major and minor keys (for instrumental and keyboard majors)
  4. Sight-reading and sight-singing
  5. Musicianship evaluation

For those interested in Contemporary/Worship Arts, the audition requirements are:

  1. Interview
  2. Present two pieces of contrasting style, such as (1) up-tempo pop/rock and (2) slower ballad
  3. Musicianship evaluation

For those interested in composition, the audition requirements are:

  1. Interview
  2. Written or recorded example of music arranged or composed by you or music that you could perform in person
  3. Musicianship evaluation

For those who have not had formal training, the audition requirements are:

  1. Interview
  2. Two pieces of your choice demonstrating your performance skills
  3. Musicianship evaluation

NOTE: For international students, the interview may be replaced with an essay describing your background and goals. A CD, DVD or digital file may satisfy the audition requirements as listed above when travel to the campus is not possible.