Welcome New Students!
We are excited for you to begin your journey at Eastern. Below is a list of helpful links and video tutorials for new students.
New Student Resources
- Books: Learn how to order and find the books required for your courses
- Brightspace: Learn how to navigate Brightspace
- Eastern Email: Please note that you need to begin to use your Eastern email account as it is the official form of communication at the University. Please make sure to check this email account regularly. You should have been sent your username/login & password already with login instructions.
- Eastern Website: Where to find the important links
- Financial Aid: If you plan to use Financial Aid to help pay for your tuition, please follow the steps on the Financial Aid Office’s website.
- Financial Aid Phone: 610-225-5102
- Financial Aid Email: finaid@eastern.edu
- myEastern
- How to view your bill, make a payment and see financial aid information
- How to view your academic progress tutorial
- Student Accounts: Billing
- Student Accounts website
- Student Accounts Phone: 610-341-5831
- Student Accounts Email: student.accounts@eastern.edu
- *Remember your bill is due the first day of class.
- Student Accounts website
- Registration: How to register and course offerings
- Technology Requirements: Bringing a Computer to Eastern