Dr. Theodore J. Chamberlain Student Development Award

Established to honor Dr. Chamberlain's 29 years of service to Eastern students, this annual award is given in scholarship form to a rising sophomore or junior who has contributed significantly to the Student Development program, or to a student who has had significant positive impact on the Eastern University community through participation in student life. This award is presented each year at the fall Academic Convocation.

Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship

An Interfaith Partnership of Shared Learning and Growth between Eastern University (St. Davids, PA) and Temple Beth Shalom (Needham, MA)

Visit the Temple Beth Shalom Website

Background and Mission

The Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship (CIF) honors the life legacy of Dr. Ted J. Chamberlain (1944-2010). Dr. Chamberlain was the Dean of Students/Vice President of Student Development at Eastern University for nearly 30 years. He was known for his depth of faith and for allowing that faith to serve as an inspiration for relating to people from all walks of life. Ted possessed a unique and precious light that shone through his intellect, his humility, his scholarly writings, his missions to transform people's lives, and his international consulting work. His approachable demeanor, warmth and friendly nature quickly opened gateways for connection and mutual trust. Ted touched the lives of all those who were blessed to have known him as a teacher, administrator, counselor, athlete, friend, parent, and husband. He was the beloved husband of Liria and very proud father of Kristin and Jennie.

In the fall of 2014, thanks to the wisdom of David and Sydney Feldman, faith and academic leaders from Eastern University and Temple Beth Shalom in Needham, Massachusetts were brought together to consider the possibly of creating a special fellowship inspired by Ted's memory. Immediately during these conversations, there was a spark, and the Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship was born. The fellowship would carry forward Ted's unique ability to craft relationships of meaning by bringing together Jewish and Christian students for an opportunity to learn about each other's faith tradition; reflect upon commonalities and differences in the spirit of emerging friendship; grow spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually; and engage in a social justice project for the common good of society and the world. The Chamberlain Interfaith Fellowship will enable fellows to experience what the late Dr. Krister Stendahl (d. 2008) of Harvard Divinity School once referred to as "holy envy" - a deep appreciation of the beauty, depth, and power of another religious tradition.

Fellowship Participants

The CIF will engage up to six (6) students from Eastern University and up to six (6) students from the Temple Beth Shalom community.

Participants will be selected by the leadership of each learning community using an appropriate selection process.

Fellowship Leadership

David Feldman, Program Visionary, Temple Beth Shalom
Sydney Feldman, Program Visionary, Temple Beth Shalom
Rabbi Jay C. Perlman, Senior Rabbi, Temple Beth Shalom
Rachel Happel, Senior Director of Learning & Engagement, Temple Beth Shalom
Liria Chamberlain, widow of Dr. Ted Chamberlain
Joseph B. Modica, University Chaplain, Eastern University
Bettie Ann Brigham, former Vice President for Student Development, Eastern University
Liana Perlman, TBS Cohort 3, Co-director, Alumni Association
Jaclyn Favaroso, EU Cohort 3, Co-director, Alumni Association