
☐ Application for Graduation -- please complete the online form on   (Under my.eastern Self Service Menu, click ‘Academic Profile’, click ‘Graduation Application’, fill out form, and submit)

Student Accounts/Financial Aid

☐ Are you financially cleared to graduate?

☐ Federal Student Loan Exit Counseling

Regalia & Portraits 

☐ Order Cap and Gown - Website coming, check back for link 

             ☐(Optional): Order class ring, diploma frame, announcements, etc. from the Bookstore

☐ (Optional) Take a Senior, Grad Portrait

Center for Career Development

    ☐ Set up an appointment with the Center for Career Development at to discuss your resume/career plans

    ☐ Login to Handshake to see local and national job opportunities

    ☐ Practice virtual interviewing with Standout


☐ Update Alumni Form

☐ Stay in touch with classmates and the Eastern community!

Donation to class gift