Excellent Placements; Life-Changing Learning
Eastern University School of Nursing currently has active partnerships with the following clinical sites. Students will have opportunities to complete clinical rotations within many of these facilities:
- St. Edmunds Home for Children
- Divine Providence Village
- Mazzoni Centre
- Nemours Children's Hospital
- Camilla Hall
- Chester County Hospital (Penn Medicine Health System)
- Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
- CHOP King of Prussia
- Holisticare Hospice
- Main Line Health System (Bryn Mawr Hospital, Lankenau Medical Center, Paoli Hospital, Riddle Hospital, Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Center)
- Dunwoody Village
- St. Katharine's of Siena
COVID-19 Update
All clinical partners are requiring COVID-19 vaccination for student participation in clinical rotations. Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required from nursing students prior to beginning clinical rotations.