Undergraduate Students
As a member of the Campolo Center, students are encouraged and expected to be seeking the Lord, connected to the local church, engaged in the Eastern/Palmer community, and committed to the the Campolo student fellowship:
Practice daily habits of grace and devotion to God, neighbor, creation, and self.
- Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39)
- Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18)
Actively participate in the life of a local church family
- Attend weekly worship
- Be committed to the life of a local church
Be a faithful member of the Eastern/Palmer community:
- Attend weekly Eastern and/or Palmer Chapel
- Honor your teachers and classmates and attend all of your classes
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA
Commit to the Campolo Center Community
- Engage in weekly Campolo Center Gatherings (80% attendance required)
- Attend CCM scheduled events (i.e. retreats, meals together, etc) (80% attendance required)
- Meet with a CCM staff member at least once each semester
- Meet with Dr. Campolo at least once a year
- Serve 5 hours in the Campolo Center Office every semester
I. Essay Questions
Please respond, in essay form, to the following questions. (maximum of 350 words per response). Please feel free to share about strengths and weaknesses, joys and challenges.
1) How has your faith in Christ formed you and shaped your life? What else has contributed to your spiritual formation?
2) Share about your experience in Christian community. Why is fellowship important?
3) Why do you want to be part of the Campolo Center for Ministry? How will it help you grow? What will you bring to the fellowship?
II. Letters of Recommendation and Contact Information (address, email and phone)
Provide two letters of recommendation from references who know you well. At least one of these references must be from a pastor or ministry leader from your home church.
III. Interview
After your essay questions and references have been received and reviewed, you will be contacted by the Director of Leadership Development & Spiritual Formation if you have been selected for an interview.
Send Your Materials Here:
- Please send your essays in one email to campolocenter@eastern.edu. The subject line should read: CCM Scholar Application: YOUR NAME.
- Please ask your references to email their letter of recommendation directly to campolocenter@eastern.edu. The subject line should read: CCM Letter of Recommendation: YOUR NAME.
Palmer Seminary & Graduate Students
- Seminary and graduate Campolo Fellows receive up to a 51% tuition scholarship per year.
The award can be renewed each year and will be added to any previously earned academic or merit scholarship.
I. Essay Questions
Please respond, in essay form, to the following questions. (maximum of 350 words per response). Please feel free to share about strengths and weaknesses, joys and challenges.
1) How has your faith in Christ formed you and shaped your life? What else has contributed to your spiritual formation?
2) Share about your sense of call. Describe your current ministry and your future hope for ministry.
3) Why do you want to be part of the Campolo Center for Ministry? How will it help you grow? What will you bring to the fellowship?
II. Letters of Recommendation and Contact Information (address, email and phone)
Provide two letters of recommendation from references who know you well. At least one of these references must be from a pastor or ministry leader from your church.
III. Interview
After your essay questions and references have been received and reviewed, you will be contacted by the Director of Leadership Development & Spiritual Formation if you have been selected for an interview.
Send Your Materials Here:
- Please send your essays in one email to campolocenter@eastern.edu. The subject line should read: CCM Scholar Application: YOUR NAME.
- Please ask your references to email their letter of recommendation directly to campolocenter@eastern.edu. The subject line should read: CCM Letter of Recommendation: YOUR NAME.
Thank you!
We look forward to reviewing your application for the Campolo Scholars Cohort. Upon review of your responses and reference letters, we will notify you if an interview will be scheduled with the Campolo Center for Ministry Leadership Team. We are grateful for your time and thoughtfulness in this process.
Questions? Contact campolocenter@eastern.edu.