Identity and Impact

Together as a community, Eastern updated and clarified our Vision, Mission, and Values this year

In 1925, Eastern's founders came together with the dream of a seminary that would meet the unique needs of its day. My guess is that these six ministers never imagined how their seminary vision would blossom into a full-fledged university with over 160 programs and 4,815 students around the world. 

Much has changed in the last 97 years; and yet, much has stayed the same. We are still unashamedly committed to our Christian faith. We still passionately value community and delight in rich academic scholarship. We still find our deepest fulfillment in serving the world around us. 

And so, when it came time to review and update our Mission, Vision, and Core Values, we committed to both honoring the past and joyfully looking forward to the future. I am excited to share that after a long collaborative process of prayer, reflection, and discussion, we as a community are ready to share our updated statements with you.

These statements articulate our identity as a Christian institution and keep us accountable on our mission to imitate Christ. You may be wondering, “What’s the difference between a vision statement, mission statement, and core values?” 

A vision, or vision statement, is the end result of our efforts – it focuses on our dream for Eastern’s future. A mission, or mission statement, is how we plan to reach that end result and what we do in the present to achieve it. Our core values are fundamental truths that guide us, anchor us, and shape us along the journey to achieve this dream for Eastern University. 

I pray that these new statements inspire you, strengthen you, encourage you, and remind you of the great importance of the legacy of Eastern University. Each of you is the living embodiment of these statements – an ever-expanding legacy of a community that seeks to bring God’s kingdom here to earth.


As a community, Eastern University will Listen. Love. Learn. Lead.

LISTEN: We will be a university that champions active listening, affirming the dignity of every individual, and advocating for restoration through relationship.

LOVE: We will be an institution that is inspired and motivated by the undeserving love lavished on us by Jesus Christ. We will reflect this love in our relationships, our work, and our legacy.

LEARN: As a community of scholars, we will commit to lifelong learning and growth of the heart, mind, and soul.

LEAD: As advocates and difference-makers, we will lead with integrity, boldness, and faith, creating a world that is founded on faith, reason, and justice.


Eastern University is a diverse, Christ-centered community preparing graduates to impact the world through Faith, Reason, and Justice.

With Christ as the inspiration for our vision and the cornerstone of our mission, we make every effort to create a wonderfully diverse community that prepares our graduates to humbly, boldly, courageously, and confidently impact every sphere of their influence with the deep-rooted call to a life of Faith, Reason, and Justice. 

Core Values

E - Excellence:

We strive to achieve the highest standards in serving our community through distinctive academic experiences, student services, and community life.

A - Authenticity:

We live with integrity and honesty, upholding the highest ethical standards as we seek to honor God with our lives, relationships, and work.

S - Stewardship:

We treat our resources as gifts God has entrusted to us, including our earth, environment, facilities, and finances.

T - Thoughtfulness:

Inspired by our commitment to truth, we think deeply, holistically, and critically about the world God has given us, benefiting from the insights offered by each individual in our rich learning community.

E - Enthusiasm:

Anchored by our hope and joy in Christ, we approach each situation with optimism, working toward favorable outcomes, and celebrating our successes.

R - Relationships:

With an attitude of humility and kindness, we honor and respect the dignity of each individual, promoting community, working to bring reconciliation to broken relationships, and championing diversity, equity, and belonging.

N - iNnovation:

Promoting accessibility and affordability, we seek new and more effective approaches to education, exercising creativity to chart inventive paths forward into the future.

Learn More

To read the President’s monthly email series unpacking each core value, visit the core values website

This article was originally featured in the Spring 2022 Edition of Eastern Magazine. View the full magazine here.