Heewon Chang, PhD, serves as Professor and Chair in the PhD in Organizational Leadership Department. Trained as an ethnographer, she teaches qualitative research methods and organizational leadership courses in the PhD program and has conducted and published numerous ethnographic and autoethnographic studies. She has gained international recognition as an autoethnography expert. Since her notable publication Autoethnography as Method (2008), she has published on autoethnography application methods: Collaborative Autoethnography (CAE), Transformative Autoethnography Model (TAM) for practitioners, and I/Systems-Thinking Model (IST) for organization researchers.
- Ph.D. in Education and Anthropology, University of Oregon
- M.A. in Education and Anthropology, University of Oregon
- B.A. in Education, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
- Secondary Ethics (7-12), Korea
- Elementary Education (K-6) Pennsylvania, USA
Journal Editing
- Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education (Founding Editor-in-Chief, 1997-2006)
- International Journal of Multicultural Education (Founding Editor-in-Chief, 2007-2018)
- Journal of Autoethnography (Editorial Board, 2018-present)
- Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (Editorial Board, 2019-present)
- Journal of Korean Association for Qualitative Research (2015-present)
Research Interests
- Autoethnography | Ethnography | Qualitative Research Methods
- Leadership Development | Mentoring | Organizational Culture & Change | Female and Minority Leadership
- Systems-Thinking for Organizational Leaders | I/Systems-Thinking (IST) for Organizational Research
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Multicultural Education
- Educational Leadership for Justice | Doctoral Education | Higher Education Leadership
- Hernandez, K., Chang, H., & Bilgen, W. (2022). Transformative Autoethnography for Practitioners: Change Processes and Practices for Individuals and Groups. Myers Education Press (Received American Educational Studies Association’s 2023 AESA Critic’s Choice Book Award).
- Chang, H., Ngunjiri, F., & Hernandez, K. (2013). Collaborative Autoethnography. Routledge.
- Chang, H., & Boyd, D. (Eds., 2011). Spirituality in Higher Education: Autoethnographies. Routledge.
- Chang, H. (2008). Autoethnography as Method. Routledge.
- Chang, H., (1992). Adolescent Life and Ethos: An Ethnography of a US High School. Falmer Press.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Selected Bibliography
- Chang, H. (2022). Where the personal meets the sociocultural: Autoethnography for social science research, praxis, and pedagogy. In A. Porferl & N. Schröer (Eds.), Handbuch soziologische ethnographie [Handbook of sociological ethnography]. Springer-Verlag.
- Chang, H. (2021). Individual and Collaborative Autoethnography for Social Science Research. In Holman, S., Adams, T., & Ellis, C. Handbook of autoethnography (2nd ed.). Routledge.
- Sparks, C., & Chang, H. (2021). Doctoral Capstone Products: A Systems Thinking Model for Quality Assurance. Christian Higher Education, 20(1-2), 38-56.
- Chang, H., & Bilgen, W. (2020). Autoethnography in Leadership Studies: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of Autoethnography, 1(1), 93-98.
- Lee, H., Bryan, L., & Chang, H. (2019). Doctoral Students’ Learning Success in Online-based Leadership Programs: Intersection with Technological and Relational Factors. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 21(1), 61-81.
- Hernandez, K. A., Chang, H., & Ngunjiri, F. (2017). Collaborative autoethnography as multivocal, relational, and democratic research: Opportunities, challenges, and aspirations. Auto/Biography Studies, 32(2). 251-254.
- Chang, H. (2016). Autoethnography in health research: Growing pains? Qualitative Health Research, 26(3), 443-451. doi:10.1177/1049732315627432
- Ngunjiri, F. W., Chang, H., & Hernandez, K. (2016). Multivocal meaning making: Using collaborative autoethnography to advance theory on women and leadership. In J. Storberg-Walker & P. Haber-Curran (Eds.), Theorizing women & leadership: New insights & contributions from multiple perspectives (pp.x-x). Information Age Publishing.
- Longman, K., Chang, H., & Loyd-Paige, M. (2015). Self-analytical, community-building, and empowering: Collaborative autoethnography of leaders of color in higher education. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, 9, 268-285.
- Hernandez, K., Ngunjiri, F., & Chang, H. (2015). Exploiting the margins in higher education: A collaborative autoethnography of three foreign-born female faculty of color. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 28(5), 533-551.
- Chang, H., Longman, K., & Franco, M. (2014). Leadership development through mentoring in higher education: A collaborative autoethnography of leaders of color. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 22(4), 373-389.
Grants and Honors
Selected Grants and Honors
- Critic’s Choice Book Award, American Educational Studies Association (2023)
- McGraw Hill Higher Education Distinguished Scholar Award, AABSS (2017)
- IJME Publishing Grants, Yonsei University (2016-2019)
- NVivo 8 Teaching Grant, NVivo (2009-2010)
Professional Associations and Service
- International Leadership Association
- CCCU Doctoral Education Council
- Advancing the Value of Ethnography in Industry
- American Anthropological Association-Council on Anthropology and Education
- American Educational Research Association