Kathy-Ann C. Hernandez
Dr. Kathy-Ann C. Hernandez is Professor of Leadership and Research Methods at Eastern University and co-chair of the Ph.D. Program in Organizational Leadership. She has more than twenty years of experience as an educator at various academic levels in the United States and the Caribbean. She is also a scholar/activist who has collaborated to conceptualize, secure funding, implement, manage and evaluate university-community partnership programs including the Community Technology Center, the Cosby Academic Posse Program, and the Temple University After-school Program. In recognition of her work, she was awarded the Marlene Smigel Korn Humanitarian Award 2003-2004 for excellent contribution in teaching, scholarship and/or service from the College of Education at Temple University.
Dr. Hernandez is a trained research methodologist who is actively involved in conducting research, facilitating research workshops, and teaching and advising on social science research methods and program evaluation. She is the co-author of Collaborative Autoethnography (Left Coast Press, 2013), a research method that uses the collective experiences of individuals as researchers and participants to understand social phenomena. Her career mission is to bridge the gap between scholarship and practice through the sound application of research findings to solving real world problems. As a scholar-activist, her faith and profession are inextricably linked to who she is and her calling. Read Dr. Hernandez's CV.
- B.A. in English, Andrews University
- M.A. in Educational Administration and Supervision, Andrews University
- Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Temple University
Her research is focused on the Black Diaspora and the salience of race/ethnicity, gender, spirituality and social context in identity formation and leadership strivings for marginalized populations. She is also committed to interrogating and fostering more diverse and equitable organizational spaces, human flourishing, work-life integration, and the leadership development experiences of women and minorities in academic and public settings.
- Longman, K. A., Ash, A., Jun, A., Hernandez, K. C., Hernandez, R., Lloyd-Paige, M., & Menjares, (2017). Diversity Matters: The Future of Christian Higher Education, Abilene Christian University Press.
- Chang, H., Ngunjiri, F. W., & Hernandez, K.C. (2013). Collaborative Autoethnography. Left Coast Press.
Book Chapters
- Ngunjiri, F. W. & Hernandez, K. C. (2018). Resilient Leadership and Tempered Radicalism: Navigating the Intersections of Race, Gender, Nationality, and Religion. In J. Syed, A.Klarsfeld, C. E.J. Härtel, and F. Ngunjiri (Eds.) Religious Diversity in the Workplace, Oxford University Press.
- Hernandez. K. C. (2017). Embracing the Perspective of the Other. In K. A. Longman, M. Loyd- Paige, R. Hernandez, K. C. Hernandez, A. Ash, (in press) Diversity Matters: Race. Ethnicity and the Future of Christian Higher Education, Abilene Christian University Press.
- Ngunjiri, F. W., Chang, H, & Hernandez, K. C. (2017). Multivocal Meaning Making: Using Collaborative Autoethnography to Advance Theory on Women and Leadership. In P. Haber- Curran P. & J. Stroberg-Walker (Eds.) Theorizing Women and Leadership: New Insights and Contributions From Multiple Perspectives. (pp. 103-119). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
- Hernandez, K. C. (2014). Advancing Research on Religious/Spiritual Affiliation and Constructions of Black Masculinity. In C. P. Cause (Ed.), Black Masculinity in America: Can I Get A Witness (pp. 9-28). Braden FL: BookLocker.
- Hernandez, K. C. & Ngunjiri F. W. (2013). Relationships and Communities, In T. Adams, C. Ellis, & S. Holman-Jones (Eds.). Handbook of Autoethnography, Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
- Ngunjiri, F. W. & Hernandez, K. C. (2017). Problematizing Authentic Leadership: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Immigrant Women of Color Leaders in Higher Education, in Advances in Human Resource Development, 19 (4). Special Issue.
- Hernandez, K. C. & Chang, H. & Ngunjiri, F. W. (2017). Collaborative Autoethnography as Multivocal, Relational, and Democratic Research: Opportunities, Challenges, and Aspirations. In a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, “What’s Next? The Futures of Auto/Biography Studies.” Special Issue.
- Hernandez, K.C, & Murray-Johnson, K. (2015). Towards a Different Construction of Blackness: Black Immigrant Scholars on Racial Identity Development in the United States. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 17 (2), (pp. 53-72). http://dx.doi.org/10.18251/ijme.v17i2.1050
- Ngunjiri, F. W., Hernandez, K. C., & Chang, H. (2015, April). Method Moments: Autoethnographic Methods for Leadership Research. ILA Member Connector (pp. 4-8).
- Hernandez, K. C., Longman, K. A., Tchindebet, J., Oikelome, G. Gay-Rayfield, N. (2019). Collaborative Autoethnography: Insights Gleaned from Lived Experiences: What Works to Advance Women and People of Color into Leadership, Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Annual Conference. Las Vegas, February 25-26.
- Hernandez, K. C., (2019). Collaborative Autoethnography: A Strategy and Process for Leadership Development Among Women and People of Color --Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Annual Conference. Las Vegas, February 25-26.
- Hernandez, K. C., & Longman, K. (2019). Interrogating Self: A Critical Step for Leadership Development for People of Color. Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Annual Conference. Las Vegas, February 25-26.
- Hernandez, K. C., Oikelome, G. Gay-Rayfield, N. (2019) Not Warm and Fuzzy: Sponsorship as an Uneasy Alliance for Leadership Development Among Women of Color, Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Annual Conference. Las Vegas, February 25-26.
- Hernandez, K. C., & Longman, K. (2018) Collaborative Autoethnography: A Pathway to Leadership Identity Development for Emerging Minority Leaders in the Academy, Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Annual Conference. Las Vegas, February 26-28.
- Hernandez, K. C., Johnson, K., Dowdy, C., Gramby-Sobukwe, S., & Irving, J. (2017). Black Women Coloring the Academy through Voice, Activism and Scholarship. Panel discussion presented at the Association of Black Women in Higher Education Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 18-20.
- Ngunjiri, F. W., & Hernandez, K. C. (2017). Authentic Leadership: Explorations and Interrogations. Panel discussion presented at the International Leadership Association Annual Conference, Brussels, Belgium. Oct. 12-15.
- Hernandez, K. C. & Longman, K. A. (2017). Sponsorship” Within the Academy: A Strategy for Advancing Ethnic-Minority Emerging Leaders. Paper accepted for presentation at American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX: April, 2017.
- Longman, K.. Valdovinos, R. & Hernandez, K. C. (2017) Leadership Development for Diverse Leaders in Higher Education through Sponsoring: Another Example of Collaborative Autoethnography. Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Annual Conference, Las Vegas, February 26-28.
- Hernandez, K.C. (2013). Back to Basics After-school Program Report.2013. In Collaboration with Clearwater and Associates Consulting and Chester Community Charter School.
- Hernandez, K. C. (2012). No Child Left Behind Title I Parent Engagement Policy 2009-2010:A Preliminary Evaluation Report Parent University Spring 2011: A Preliminary Evaluation Report in Collaboration with the Office of Parent, Office of Parent, Family, Community Engagement and Faith-Based Partnerships, School District of Philadelphia.
- Hernandez, K. C. (2011). Parent University Spring 2011: A Preliminary Evaluation Report. In Collaboration with the Office of Parent, Office of Parent, Family, Community Engagement and Faith-Based Partnerships, School District of Philadelphia.
- Hernandez, K. C. (2010). No Child Left Behind Title I Parent Engagement Policy 2009 - A Preliminary Evaluation Report. In Collaboration with the Office of Parent, Office of Parent, Family, Community Engagement and Faith-Based Partnerships, School District of Philadelphia.
- Davies, H. F., & Hernandez, K. C. (2004). Review of Virgin Islands Secondary School System Master Plan for Government of the United States Virgin Islands.
- Hernandez, K.C., and Sewell, T (2004). Making the Most of Teaching: A Practical Guide for a Successful First Year. For Center for Research in Human Development and Education Research Congressional Award Grant, Temple University.
- American Educational Research Association
- Emerging Scholars Interdisciplinary Network
- International Leadership Association